Capt. Angie Douthit
Book your trip on Lake Okeechobee today:
Angie's Cell: 863-228-7263 (call or text)
Email: adouthit49@gmail.com

Angie Douthit entered the realm of professional fishing and quickly learned that you would need major sponsorship if you were to succeed in the sport. Fishing a professional bass tour costs lots of money in travel expense, equipment and entry fees.
By working hard to promote the products she was using and had confidence in, she became noticed by the manufactures as someone that could help them bring product to the many anglers around the country.
Angie realized that as a new angler on the professional tour, she would have to work hard to be noticed. Just winning tournaments would not produce sponsorship. She has now became a fixture at major sport shows and outdoor events.
Outdoor writers have found the attractive angler more than willing to help them develop material and photos for their work. This has resulted in her appearing in many publications and television shows, bringing her sponsors valuable exposure.
Angie loves the sport of bass fishing and even more, loves to help others to learn how much fun it can be. Her ability and willingness to teach others has produced a profitable guide service that fills most days she isn't on tour or making an appearance. Whether you wish to try your luck with artificial lures or the proven method using wild gold shiners, Angie will see to it that you have a super great day on the water.
Her sponsors include Mercury Marine; G-Loomis; Lews; Bullet Weights; Gill; Maui Jim; Real Magic; Navionics; BnM Poles; Mid-South and Pradco Brands.
